Thursday, October 1, 2009

A quick update...I did make the spaghetti squash and mixed it with the red peppers, which I sliced.  It was delicious.  The garlic olive oil bath that the  peppers were in coated the spaghetti squash in just the right amount of flavor.  I added a few shavings of Ayr cheese.  This is a local hard cheese, verging on parmesan, with a rich nutty flavor.  I'm beginning to think these poivrons rouge would enhance the flavor of even cardboard!  And, yes, I will make this recipe again. These tasty tidbits add a nice touch to so many things.


  1. yum! i've been eating a lot of spaghetti squash (partially to keep me from eating as much pasta as my kids do) and that sounds super yummy. what's the best way to get a copy of the recipe?? i want to try it. maybe jules and i can stay up some evening post-bedtime to peel and seed the peppers!

  2. Sounds so are so ambitious!
